
奇幻遊戲社群 論壇酒吧 奇幻遊樂場 闇龍紀元I:序章 闇龍紀元I翻譯問題回報區
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[分享] Legacy「疑似」被取消的任務 keppekinosha 2011-10-24 12856 keppekinosha 2011-10-28 01:42:15
[分享] Women are good for six things? keppekinosha 2011-10-22 02316 keppekinosha 2011-10-22 20:55:52
[分享] Legacy疑似被取消的「部分」劇情 keppekinosha 2011-10-22 02303 keppekinosha 2011-10-22 13:31:18
[分享] 泰文特盾牆 attach_img heatlevel keppekinosha 2011-10-21 33416 pkk 2011-10-27 00:02:43
[分享] Isabela的感情世界 keppekinosha 2011-10-5 12565 冬風 2011-10-16 14:26:31
[分享] 天然娘 V.S. 社交障礙女 keppekinosha 2011-9-17 02256 keppekinosha 2011-9-17 22:15:13
[分享] Wicked Grace attach_img keppekinosha 2011-9-16 12553 keppekinosha 2011-10-3 22:31:20
[問題] Helmet and Staffy ? keppekinosha 2011-9-14 02234 keppekinosha 2011-9-14 21:51:40
[分享] Dwarven = Gnome ? - [閱讀權限 30] keppekinosha 2011-9-12 011 keppekinosha 2011-9-12 14:46:34
[分享] 有人玩過「I Spy」嗎? keppekinosha 2011-9-10 02501 keppekinosha 2011-9-10 21:43:31
[翻譯回報] 惡魔?惡靈? keppekinosha 2011-8-19 02291 keppekinosha 2011-8-19 13:35:23
[分享] "Urchin Child"?? keppekinosha 2011-8-16 02338 keppekinosha 2011-8-16 15:25:33
[問題] 關於DA2之中榮耀征討(Exalted Marches)的敘述 keppekinosha 2011-8-10 22875 keppekinosha 2011-8-11 00:08:16
[分享] 鑄造與鍛造的差別... agree keppekinosha 2011-8-9 12508 None 2011-8-9 21:11:48
[問題] Archon Thalsian與Archon Darinius的辯證探討 keppekinosha 2011-5-4 22736 keppekinosha 2011-5-4 13:16:59
[分享] Circle of Magi,法師公社? agree keppekinosha 2011-3-7 02411 keppekinosha 2011-3-7 22:58:28
[問題] Grey Wardens=「灰袍」守護者? keppekinosha 2011-2-19 02417 keppekinosha 2011-2-19 15:04:49
[分享] 關於Free Marches的viscount考察(04/09/11) keppekinosha 2011-2-18 02212 keppekinosha 2011-2-18 20:49:17
[問題] 關於「Tevinter Imperium」(03/16/11增補說明) keppekinosha 2011-2-12 13535 keppekinosha 2014-6-18 00:05:27
[翻譯回報] 1.2翻譯相關問題回報 agree colajkimo 2010-12-2 12716 colajkimo 2010-12-3 15:04:56
[分享] 途中心得片段 keppekinosha 2010-12-2 02123 keppekinosha 2010-12-2 18:48:31
[翻譯回報] 1.2版翻譯問題 attachment heatlevel tina7812 2010-11-30 75420 tina7812 2010-12-26 00:27:12
[分享] 只是想抱個怨... keppekinosha 2010-11-25 02492 keppekinosha 2010-11-25 18:46:16
[分享] 關於House、Clan、Tribe的翻譯問題 keppekinosha 2010-11-14 12919 fffink1689 2010-11-16 04:48:53
[翻譯回報] 一些翻譯問題和DLC 士兵山峰 tina7812 2010-11-11 24053 ning 2010-11-28 17:05:45


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